Jupiter transiting your Jupiter
Welcome to the cycle of Jupiter, aka the cycle of growth, expansion, and opportunity. It the astrology community, Jupiter is often talked about much like manifestation is. “Just hold the vision and great things are on their way”. And sure, to an extent that is true with Jupiter. But if you take that to heart as the best way to work with Jupiter, you’re only going to get a tiny fraction of the expansion that is possible in your life. Think of it like only getting a single chocolate chip, versus a whole batch of chocolate cookies. That one chip might taste yummy, but man…there’s nothing like being so far in abundance that you get to share the finished product.
So how do you work with Jupiter to get the cookies, the goods, the quantum leap level sexy energy? You double down. You put skin on the line. You put your best on the table. You get on the table and shout to the whole room what you’re about and offering. Jupiter wants to see you be fully present and showing up in full FAITH of goodness arriving.
To core it down more deeply, Jupiter transits ask you to stretch your capacity. To make your beliefs match a new level of opportunity that is arriving in your life. To believe before there is evidence of success, and yes…to take action that will support the arrival of that growth.
I don’t typically get biblical, but the whole Noah’s ark thing is screaming at me. Noah’s chocolate chip would have been telling everyone around town that there was going to be a flood. And I bet before the sadness crushed in, there would be that little morsel of “I told you there would be a flood”. But he got the chocolate chip cookies in this myth and looked at his family in safety from efforts that looked freaking insane before they panned out.
So yeah, be willing to look a little insane. Build the thing believing in your inner vision and voice. Risk looking like a lunatic. Risk…failure. That’s how Jupiter shoots you into a whole different stratosphere (or tax bracket).
All Jupiter transits harken back to your natal Jupiter placement which shows your core way to reach new heights in your life.

Jupiter sextile your Jupiter
A moment of co-creation. Your beliefs about your reality and the extend that you have “put skin in the game” showing up for your opportunities in life start to show in reality. If you’ve been taking the opportunities in front of you, bringing new information & beliefs about life that match your growing sense of accomplishment then this is a time of opening to new growth.
Seize the opportunities in front of you. Go all in. Take the next leap. The forces of goodwill, growth, and expansion are working FOR you. Take advantage.
The shadows that will show up to block the gifts of this transit are in your natal Jupiter energy.
Working with Jupiter transits....
Jupiter has outstanding media coverage. The planet of manifestation, gifts, opportunities, doors flying open out of nowhere. Which to be fair, are all Jupiter things. But Jupiter also is tied to the Wheel of Fortune card in Tarot. The wheel spins and the trick is to answer the question correctly to win the prize.
How do you answer (or respond) to a Jupiter transit in a way to win the prize?
- Be willing to believe in something greater than your current reality.
- Looks for openings to bring that something greater into reality
- Take action to support that expansion
There is a tendency with Jupiter transits to just sit back, spend your money, and reap your reward. But that is a mistake. Jupiter, like all the other planets want to see you RESPOND to it working in your life.
The house Jupiter is transiting through AND the house of your natal planet shows where to be looking for opportunity + expansion....
1st House - self image, sense of Style, ability to be a leader in your own life, confidence
2nd House - self worth, money, trust in your innate gifts and talents being good enough to succeed in life
3rd House - your mindset, ability to relate to others, communication style, relationship with siblings
4th House - putting down roots, feeling like you belong, your personal mythology, family of origin
5th House - creativity, self expression, children/childhood, ability to playfully explore life, ability to have fun, dating
6th House - health, daily habits, work life, being of service to the world in a meaningful way
7th House - relationships, boundaries/holding your ground with other people
8th House - sexuality, how you take on the energy of others, ability to cope with the realities of life such a your own mortality/tragic hardships we all face
9th House - your beliefs, religious experiences, ability to access expansive experiences such as traveling abroad/higher education
10th House - your Mission in life, career moves, public Identity (how the public perceives you)
11th House- your Hopes and Dreams, community, circle of Friends, social Media
12th House - self sabotaging behaviors, ways you escape reality, Spiritual + Energetic practices & boundaries
Jupiter transiting Sun
Jupiter conjunct Sun
Jupiter sextile Sun
Jupiter trine Sun
Jupiter square Sun
Jupiter opposing Sun
Jupiter transiting Venus
Jupiter conjunct Venus
Jupiter sextile Venus
Jupiter trine Venus
Jupiter square Venus
Jupiter opposing Venus