Jupiter transiting your Mars
It’s time to channel your warrior spirit. Sometimes life is a competition and you winning, might mean someone else has to lose out. That’s okay. But the spirit of how you play is important too. Fighting dirty isn’t exactly out of the cards here, it’s one of the few transits in life where you should do what it takes to win. To be brave, straightforward, and piercing in your pursuit of the outcome you desire. Just make sure you’re not playing dirty if you don’t need to be. If your opponent is throwing dirt in your eyes through, these two energies don’t mind if you trip them up a little even if that is out of your usual character.
A note about fighting dirty, if it seriously opposes your belief systems and makes you break your own moral code, you likely shouldn’t. But in the same thread, Jupiter ruling the belief systems and touching on Mars may ask you to re-write some of your beliefs about what is and isn’t okay. For example if you’ve been passed over in promotions because you wish to show every kindness to your opponent, or you don’t believe in “bragging” about your accomplishments. It may be time to change the tactic. To find a way to stand up for yourself and to show case your talents in a direct way.
This transit can be impacting many realms of life. It may be you’re battling for a promotion against someone else in your department. It may be that your father has been a bully your whole life and it's time you draw a line in the sand and defend yourself voraciously. But it’s time to stand up, take charge, and be bold.

Jupiter trine your Mars
This is a moment of bringing dreams into reality. Work you’ve done to BELIEVE that you’re capable of something great, is meeting the motivation to make it happen. The optimism of your vision meets the practical nuts and bolts energy to take the real world actions that brings your dream to life.
It has to be a co-creation between your beliefs, visions, and inner expansion with your direct action. So don’t be afraid to dance the line between the both. Consulting the vision and taking intuitive action (even if it doesn’t align with the plan or strategy someone else has given you).
The success is dependent on you BELIEVING that your actions can bring something better than your current reality or past expectations. It's a growth moment, so don’t get overwhelmed and self-sabotage by taking on TOO MUCH at once and throwing yourself into contraction.
Working with Jupiter transits....
Jupiter has outstanding media coverage. The planet of manifestation, gifts, opportunities, doors flying open out of nowhere. Which to be fair, are all Jupiter things. But Jupiter also is tied to the Wheel of Fortune card in Tarot. The wheel spins and the trick is to answer the question correctly to win the prize.
How do you answer (or respond) to a Jupiter transit in a way to win the prize?
- Be willing to believe in something greater than your current reality.
- Looks for openings to bring that something greater into reality
- Take action to support that expansion
There is a tendency with Jupiter transits to just sit back, spend your money, and reap your reward. But that is a mistake. Jupiter, like all the other planets want to see you RESPOND to it working in your life.
The house Jupiter is transiting through AND the house of your natal planet shows where to be looking for opportunity + expansion....
1st House - self image, sense of Style, ability to be a leader in your own life, confidence
2nd House - self worth, money, trust in your innate gifts and talents being good enough to succeed in life
3rd House - your mindset, ability to relate to others, communication style, relationship with siblings
4th House - putting down roots, feeling like you belong, your personal mythology, family of origin
5th House - creativity, self expression, children/childhood, ability to playfully explore life, ability to have fun, dating
6th House - health, daily habits, work life, being of service to the world in a meaningful way
7th House - relationships, boundaries/holding your ground with other people
8th House - sexuality, how you take on the energy of others, ability to cope with the realities of life such a your own mortality/tragic hardships we all face
9th House - your beliefs, religious experiences, ability to access expansive experiences such as traveling abroad/higher education
10th House - your Mission in life, career moves, public Identity (how the public perceives you)
11th House- your Hopes and Dreams, community, circle of Friends, social Media
12th House - self sabotaging behaviors, ways you escape reality, Spiritual + Energetic practices & boundaries
Jupiter transiting Sun
Jupiter conjunct Sun
Jupiter sextile Sun
Jupiter trine Sun
Jupiter square Sun
Jupiter opposing Sun
Jupiter transiting Venus
Jupiter conjunct Venus
Jupiter sextile Venus
Jupiter trine Venus
Jupiter square Venus
Jupiter opposing Venus