How to Read a Birth Chart




Natal Chart

8 Lessons

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How to Read a Birth Chart

How To Read A Birth Chart 👉

8 Lessons

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Welcome to how to Read A Birth Chart Master Course! By the end of this course you will be able to confidently read your birth chart (or someone else's) with ease! This course is one part covering the bases and one part demystifying the process.  You'll learn the systematic way to read a chart that was taught to me by my Astrology teacher with 51 years experience!  You're going to be a pro in no time, using this powerful tool to change your life, and impacting the lives of your family, friends, or clients! Let's dive in! 

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About the teacher

Kacy Danae

Kacy is an in demand Astrologer for Business and Personal transformation. She's worked with hundreds of clients around the globe to create businesses and social media communities that align with their sacred talents. While also enriching their home, family, and relationships. Kacy works 1:1 with clients and offers a range of teaching & group programs. She helps people stay in tune with the Daily Forecast each day on Instagram Stories.

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